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Most popular turbo’s on our market, now rebuilt at special prices!
Savings that count, without reducing quality. For this reason, we have prepared special prices for the repair of certain types of turbines.
Find out which turbines are included on the following link.
Repair 5 cylinder heads or 5 turbos and get the 6th repair completely free of charge!
During the complete rebuild of the cylinder head or turbo, each client received a personalized card that he must bring every next time in order to record the work.
Once you reach your 6th complete engine head repair, the cost of necessary parts for reparation is not included in the price.
“In the past, the valve seats were milled by hand, and the tolerances in the work were much higher. The latest generation engines require modern and technologically advanced machines. Investment is a pillar of progress.“
For that reason, within our two overhaul plants in Belgrade and Mali Crniće, we own machines from renowned world manufacturers such as Rottler, Serdi, Berco, AZ.
Times and technology change, but quality must always remain at the highest level. Visit us and see for yourself the equipment we own and the expertise that we offer. Posetite nas i uverite se u našu stručnost i opremu koju posedujemo.
On October 2, 2018, with a celebration for 600 domestic and foreign guests, the centre for engine rebuilding in the municipality of Malo Crniće in the vicinity of Požarevac officially started working.
Within this plant, we repair complete engines for passenger, cargo, industrial and agricultural engines.
What are the procedures of work?
Once you deliver the engine to us or pick up the engine from you, it is completely disassembled, repaired with new parts, and then installed and tested in the engine room. All you have to do is install it back inside your vehicle or work machine.