This part of the engine usually suffers from breakdowns once they occur. We provide complete overhaul services for all types of cylinder heads, from passenger to industrial types of engines heads.

What is a cylinder head and what is its role?

Cylinder head is the upper part of the engine. It rests on the engine block to close the compression space of the cylinder, the place where the engine burns fuel and produces power. Engine head contains valves that are responsible for the flow of the air. The intake valves draw in the fresh air, and on that occasion, combustion occurs, and then the exhaust valves allow the mixture of burned air to come out of the combustion chamber.

The difference with cylinder heads can be primarily in the materials used to make them. In newer types of engines, aluminium is the most commonly used material, while in older types of engines, cast iron was the more popular choice.

How does a hazard occur and how is it resolved?

The causes of engine head breakdowns can be different and most often occur:

As a consequence of poor maintenance of the vehicle. Not servicing your vehicle at the scheduled time or not changing the timing set when it needs to be replaced can lead to severe consequences. Timing belt or chain make the connection between the lower part of the engine (block) and the upper part of the engine (head). They may break due to wear, and then, by closing the connection (phase), the pistons located in the engine block hit the valves located in the engine head, bend or break them. In such situations, the engine shuts down.

Due to poor engine lubrication. Poor engine lubrication can be the result of irregular oil and filter changes. As a result, we can see the oil channels and oil pressure regulator in the engine become dirty, or the oil pump malfunctions. As a result, moving parts in the cylinder head such as the camshaft, valve lifters or rocker arms may get damaged.

If a breakdown occurs, what are the symptoms and what are the next necessary steps?

In the event of major and instantaneous engine head failures, the engine will stop running. The causes of accidents can be different. Therefore, the symptoms are the same. We can recognize some cases that gradually lead to damage of parts in the engine head, and later to accidents. These are different changes in engine operation. They are sometimes manifested by a loss of engine power, often by a change in the sound of engine operation in which various “knocks, taps, etc.” can be recognized. If we recognize any of these changes, it is necessary to inspect the vehicle by a service technician(mechanic) to determine further procedures.

Available operations are:

  • Pressure testing
  • Surface grinding
  • Valve seat cutting
  • Valve seat replacement
  • Production and replacement of injector seats
  • Thread replacement
  • Valve guide and seal replacement
  • Valve adjusting
  • Alloy welding
  • Broken thread rod extraction
  • Extraction of broken injectors
  • Camshaft housing line boring

Check out our processes.